MTG Foundations Casual-Play Jumpstart League (Saturdays, Jan. 11 - Feb. 1)
Item Number: | mtgleague2025-1 |
Availability: | In Stock (4) |
Magic: the Gathering Casual-Play Jumpstart League (Saturdays, Jan. 11 - Feb. 1)
Admission to the League event.
Who is this event for? Primarily for new or novice Magic players who want to get in some low-stress practice on the game's rules, strategy and deckbuilding. Matches will not be timed. However, more experienced players who prefer a more casual play environment, and who also enjoy mentoring new players, may also really enjoy this format.
When is the Event? The League runs for 4 consecutive weeks:
• Saturday, Jan. 11th (1-5 pm)
• Saturday, Jan. 18th (1-5 pm)
• Saturday, Jan. 25th (1-5 pm)
• Saturday, Feb. 1st (1-5 pm)
Attend all or some of the sessions and play one or more games each week – whatever you have time for. Everyone who playes will have a chance to improve their game and meet some new friends who are learning Magic.
What is the format? Sealed League. Players start with 4 Foundations Jumpstart boosters from which to build a basic deck to play with in the League. In weeks 2-4 players may choose to add another Jumpstart booster to their pool of cards to gradually improve the quality of their deck and to experiment with different deck combos and strategies. Once you have your deck, we'll match up with other players to have some fun playing matches (best 2 out of 3 games).
Cost? $24.99 (+ tax). Includes 4 MTG Foundations Jumpstart Packs which creates a personal pool of cards that each player uses to build their initial deck.
Prizes? This event is designed primarily as a less competitive event but Magic Promo Packs will be awarded to players based on participation:
• 3 points for each different player you play against
• 3 points for each game played max 3 per week
• 1 point for each match won.
All players who play in 3 or 4 of the weeks will automatically receive a Promo Pack. The overall winner (based on points) of the League will get an additional Foil promo pack. Additional promo prizes will be awarded with some of these being random drawings. The more you play, the more promo prizes you'll win!